Visit The Fountain of Youth

Taste the finest, award-winning wines from around the world from right here at Gracie’s. The Fountain of Youth keeps each wine in it’s perfect, prime condition. Enjoy a glass of your favorite or be bold and try a tasting pour of something new without committing to the whole bottle or even a whole glass. Let the world’s wine countries come to you.


How It Works


Check out the description of the wines or ask your bartender for recommendations. There’s no snobs* in our house, so don’t be shy with your questions! There’s no “right” wine. There’s just “right now wine” and “later wine.” And all of them are in the Fountain of Youth for your enjoyment.

*Honestly, snobs are absolutely welcome, too. We welcome everyone! ...As long as you drink wine and earn your good graces.


Use your Grace Card to get yourself a perfect pour. One or two ounces to taste, half glasses, full glasses. Whatever your heart desires. And our lovely bartenders are happy to help. They’ll add some dough to your Grace Card with you, then you swipe it at the Fountain of Youth to access your pour. Hang on to your card. It’s yours to keep!


Use our “good taste” cards to note what you tried. We want every sip at Gracie’s to be the best you’ve ever had — but it’s fun to try new things and sometimes that means experimenting ‘til you find your “Goldilocks” moments. Just right, baby.


Informational Videos

Want to get technical with it? Watch some informational videos below!

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